Tuesday, 28 July 2009

Fashion mood boards for design.

Firstly it is useful to create images and sketches to create a cohesive collection.Having many sketch books in different sizes is always a great way of understanding a fashion direction that inspires the fashion industry.
A story board for fashion is usually A2 size,they can be bigger or smaller than this.
As you build up your boards they should express the essense of the theme and concepts of your ideas.Taking magazine images and mounting them onto a board connects your ideas with marketable products already in production and in the stores.
As key ideas become clear on these boards the job of designing a collection becomes much simplier to achieve.
Story boards can be created for interia designs and also for movies and plays.
There is a number of websites that have applications that you can use to create storyboards.
If you have a wedding or christening to go to you could cut out dresses,shoes and outer garments and place them on a board,better still a small sketch book,so you can shop with a clearer idea for what you would like to purchase.

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